Welcome to the FOREIGN LEGION INFO, an online project that started in 2012. The website has become the largest online database to provide well-ordered information about the famous French Foreign Legion in the English-speaking world. Here you can find information related to the current joining requirements, current units, missions, traditions etc. But primarily, the website has been making an effort to collect the most accurate data and facts that help to map in detail the amazing history of the Foreign Legion.
A company of 2e REG trained for Mali
The 1st Company of the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment (2e REG) of the French Foreign Legion was training at La Courtine camp during the last two weeks of September, to be getting ready for Mali. The company is going to this hot African country in the beginning of January 2014. See photos.
Trail of 1er RE 2013
Trail of the 1st Foreign Regiment (1er RE). The first year of a 19 km (11,8 miles) long run with 1100 meters (3600 feets) of elevation difference took place in the country around Aubagne, the homebase and selection center of the French Foreign Legion, on October 16. See some pics and video.
Defence Minister visited the 4e RE and its new recruits
Jean-Yves Le Drian, the current French Minister of Defence, visited the 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE), the training unit of the French Foreign Legion on Friday, October 25. He also met the new recruits being trained at the “ferme“. See nice photos.
Read moreDefence Minister visited the 4e RE and its new recruits
2e REP and Saint Michel Day 2013
On September 29, the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP) of the French Foreign Legion celebrated Saint-Michel Day (La Fête de Saint-Michel). Saint-Michel is appreciated as the patron of paratroopers. See video.
History of the first Foreign Legion parachute unit
During the First Indochina War, the Foreign Legion was demanded by French military authorities to create a parachute unit to support French infantry forces operating in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos since 1946. In 1948, volunteers of the Legion regiments stationed in Indochina formed the first Foreign Legion airborne unit – the Parachute Company, attached to the 3e REI.
1976: Transfer of Basic Training Units from Corsica to Castelnaudary
Starting in June 1962, training units of the French Foreign Legion were based in Corsica, where they had arrived from Algeria. In October 1976, they left the island and moved to mainland France to be stationed in the town of Castelnaudary, in the southern part of the country.
Read more1976: Transfer of Basic Training Units from Corsica to Castelnaudary
US Marines and Legionnaires in Tonga
Exercise Tafakula 2013. During the first half of September, the platoons from the United States Marine Corps, the Tongan armed forces and the French Foreign Legion realized an exercise in the Kingdom of Tonga, a Polynesian state in the southern Pacific Ocean.
1er REC will change its headquarters in 2014
The 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) of Foreign Legion will change its headquarters located in Orange, Vaucluse county, France. This information was confirmed by Yannick Blanc, Vaucluse county representative, on October 01.
Car accident: 19 soldiers of 4e RE injured
This Monday, on September 23, while going to the military camp of Caylus to conduct a military exercise, a platoon of the 2nd Volunteers Company of 4th Foreign Regiment, the training regiment of the Foreign Legion, had an accident in the exit of Verfeil-sur-Seye, a commune in the Midi-Pyrénées region in southern France.
1er REC left Mali
A company of legionnaires from the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) of the French Foreign Legion left Mali a week ago. It served there, in the region of Tessalit, for 4 months.