All the regiments of the Foreign Legion traditionally hold their own Christmas challenges each year to compare the strength of their companies and to give their hard-working men a bit of fun. Watch this great video taken in French Guiana, South America, where legionnaires of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (3e REI) demonstrate what such competitions look like.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018
Another year has passed away, holidays are coming. For our website, the first five-year contract has been proudly finished this September. And a new contract to serve the Legion during the next period was already signed. See the results and future plans.
1er REC: Two legionnaires killed in Djibouti
In November 2017, two legionnaires of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) died during their deployment in Djibouti, Horn of Africa.
4e RE: Regimental Exercise 2017
In late November, companies of the 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE) were involved in a regimental exercise taking place south of Castelnaudary, their garrison town in southern France.
2e REP: Military training in late 2017
See the companies of the only airborne unit of the French Foreign Legion, the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP), conducting several exercises during the last months of 2017, to keep their operational level as high as possible.
1er REG + 2e REG: Sainte Barbe 2017
Every year in early December, both engineers regiments of the French Foreign Legion commemorate the patron of military engineers, Saint Barbara (Sainte Barbe in French) during their regimental holiday. They commemorated its patron also in December 2017.
2e REP: Exercise Southern Katipo 2017 in New Zealand
Legionnaires of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP), the only airborne unit of the French Foreign Legion, participated in an amphibious stability and security exercise held in New Zealand from October to November 2017.
Read more2e REP: Exercise Southern Katipo 2017 in New Zealand