4e RE: Regimental Exercise 2017

In late November, companies of the 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE) were involved in a regimental exercise taking place south of Castelnaudary, their garrison town in southern France.

The annual week-long regimental exercise occured between November 15 and November 23 close to the farm of Cuin, the training farm of the 2nd Enlisted Volunteers Company. During the exercise, enlisted volunteers’ platoons, Specialist Company’s platoons or Team Leader Company’s platoons were fulfilling independently various military tasks to achieve their instruction goals. At the end of the exercise, a ceremony took place on the farm of Cuin.

4e RE: Regimental Exercise 2017
Young legionnaires during the 4e RE’s regimental exercise, late November 2017.
4e RE: Regimental Exercise 2017
The 4e RE’s color guard during the ceremony on the farm of Cuin, late November 2017.


See more photos: Exercice régimentaire de novembre 2017

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