156 years ago: A legendary battle in Mexico

156 years ago, in late April 1863, a legendary battle occurred in Mexico between a small company of legionnaires and almost 2,000 Mexicans. An action during the Second French intervention in Mexico that helped the French to capture Mexico City, the capital. The eight-hour battle is portrayed today as a pure example of bravery and determination of fighting to the finish. It became an inseparable part of the cult of the French Foreign Legion. See the fully reworked article dedicated to the battle and supplemented with many images.

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Foreign Legion Saharan Motorized Companies in North Africa: History & Images

The famous four Foreign Legion Saharan motorized units were disbanded in Algeria, North Africa, in late March 1963. Their men, vehicles, traditional uniforms, and fanions merged with two infantry regiments. The dream of many generations of young men – the Saharan legionnaire with his white kepi, V-shaped bandoleer, wide trousers, Saharan burnous cloak, and sandals – officially disappeared.

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