Foreign Legion units structure in 2017

Our info pages regarding the current structure of Foreign Legion units were fully updated to the 2017 situation. If you are interested which companies or even platoons the current Legion units are composed of, just follow the links below.

1er RE insigniaSee the current structure of the 1st Foreign Regiment

1er REC insigniaSee the current structure of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment

1er REG insigniaSee the current structure of the 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment

2e REG insigniaSee the current structure of the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment

2e REP insigniaSee the current structure of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment

2e REI insigniaSee the current structure of the 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment

3e REI insigniaSee the current structure of the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment

4e RE insigniaSee the current structure of the 4th Foreign Regiment

13e DBLE insigniaSee the current structure of the 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion

DLEM insigniaSee the current structure of the Foreign Legion Detachment in Mayotte

COMLE insigniaSee the current structure of the Foreign Legion Command

GRLE insigniaSee the current structure of the Foreign Legion Recruiting Group