1st Foreign Regiment

1er RE insignia1er Régiment Étranger, 1er RE. The headquarters of the French Foreign Legion. The 1st Foreign Regiment has been based in the Quartier Viénot, Aubagne (Southern France, close to Marseille) since it moved there from Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria, in 1962. Since the late 19th century, it has had the nickname Maison mère de la Légion (Legion’s HQ, or Legion’s Motherhouse).

The regiment was first created in Algeria in April 1841. Its men took part in the pacification of the country, as well as many other campaigns: the Crimean War (1854-55), the Second Italian War of Independence (1859), the Sino–French War (1884-85), the Second Franco-Dahomean War (1892-1894), Madagascar (1895-1905), Morocco (1907-1934), both World Wars, the First Indochina War (1946-54), and the Algerian War (1954-62).

The present-day 1st Foreign Regiment is a non-deployable unit ensuring the administration of the Foreign Legion. Within the regiment is a Preselection and Selection center. New candidates arriving from recruiting centers, located across France, pass all crucial tests and interviews (required for acceptance into the Legion) here in Aubagne, within the 1er RE.

1st Foreign Regiment - 1er Régiment étranger promotion


History of the 1st Foreign Regiment

See the history of the Legion’s Motherhouse between 1841 and the 2020s, including 80+ pictures:
History of the 1st Foreign Regiment

1st Foreign Regiment - History - 1er RE - 1 RE - 1st RE


Current structure of the 1st Foreign Regiment

The regiment is divided (in 2025) into 3 companies and consists of around 600 personnel.

The 1st Foreign Regiment is a non-combat unit tasked with three main missions. First, it provides general administrative support for all units of the Foreign Legion. Second, it carries out the final selection of candidates volunteering to serve in the Legion. Third, it provides administrative support for the Foreign Legion Command (COMLE), to which the regiment is subordinate. The personnel of the 1er RE can also serve during operations in metropolitan France (as simple infantrymen) or be deployed to overseas missions (as specialists).

In 2025, the 1er RE is composed of:

  • HQ & Regimental Service Company (Compagnie de Commandement et des Services Régimentaires, CCSR)
  • Foreign Legion Personnel Administrative Company (Compagnie Administrative du Personnel de la Légion Étrangère, CAPLE)
  • Foreign Legion Services Company (Compagnie des Services de la Légion Étrangère, CSLE)


HQ & Regimental Service Company – CCSR

The CCSR company provides day-to-day support for the Aubagne military sector and administers the personnel employed in the regional Defense Base Support Group (GSBdD). The platoon of the famous Foreign Legion Pioneers is also assigned to the CCSR.


Foreign Legion Personnel Administrative Company – CAPLE

The CAPLE company manages all recruits arriving in Aubagne, as well as all legionnaires passing through Aubagne (e.g., hospitalized legionnaires, those who change regiments, or legionnaires finishing their contract). The company also operates the Selection & Incorporation Center (Centre de Sélection et d’Incorporation, CSI), the institution responsible for testing and selecting candidates. In addition, the CAPLE’s personnel administers the COMLE’s Foreign Legion Human Resources Division (DRHLE).


Foreign Legion Services Company – CSLE

The CSLE company carries out the administration of three departments of the COMLE (DSPLE, DRPLE, DELE). Several significant institutions of the Foreign Legion are attached to the company:

  • Foreign Legion Music Band (Musique de la Légion étrangère, MLE)
  • Foreign Legion Convalescent Leave & Recreation Malmousque Center (Centre des Convalescents et des Permissionnaires de la Légion Étrangère de la Malmousque, CCPLEM), based in Marseille
  • Foreign Legion Reception & Accommodation Center (Centre d’Hébergement et d’Accueil de la Légion Étrangère, CHALE), based at La Ciotat
  • Foreign Legion Disabled Veterans Institution (Institution des Invalides de la Légion Étrangère, IILE), based at Puyloubier
  • Foreign Legion Museum (Musée de la Légion Étrangère)
  • Historical Research & Documentation Center (CDRH)
  • Képi Blanc Magazine (Le Magazine Képi blanc)


There exists an institution connected with the 1er RE, although it is administratively independent of the Foreign Legion: the Home of Legionnaire (La Maison du Légionnaire), based at Auriol, close to Aubagne. This is a retirement home with some 70 elderly former legionnaires. It is supported by a COMLE department, which is run within the CSLE, 1er RE.


NICKNAME: Maison Mère (Motherhouse, HQ)
MOTTO: Honneur et Fidélité (Honor and Fidelity)
REGIM. MARCH: Nous sommes tous des volontaires
OFFIC. FB PAGE: 1er Régiment Étranger
FFL INFO POSTS: 1er RE’s category


Location of the 1st Foreign Regiment



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