Eyesight: French Foreign Legion vision requirements

French Foreign Legion and eyesight requirements. Being nearsighted/shortsighted, being farsighted/longsighted. Color blindness. Do legionnaires wear glasses or contact lenses or do not? Am I allowed to wear glasses/specs or lenses while enlisting and serving in the Foreign Legion? What are the French Foreign Legion eyesight requirements?

Read moreEyesight: French Foreign Legion vision requirements

What is the age limit for joining the French Foreign Legion exactly?

French Foreign Legion and the age requirements. Roughly once a week I receive e-mails asking me about the accurate age limit that can qualify/disqualify their authors for joining the French Foreign Legion. Is the age limit 17 or 18 years? Is the age limit 39 or 40 years? Which are the Foreign Legion age requirements? Help me, please!

Read moreWhat is the age limit for joining the French Foreign Legion exactly?