See a short video of the Paris Military Governor showing legionnaires from the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment (2e REG) of the French Foreign Legion while being deployed to Paris to participate in Operation Sentinelle, in November 2018.
Operation Sentinelle was launched after the January 2015 terrorist attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. It was reinforced during the November 2015 Paris attacks. Around 10,000 French troops, including hundreds of legionnaires, are currently involved in the operation. Their task is to protect sensitive places throughout France from terrorism.
The 2e REG legionnaires (green berets) appear mainly in the first sequences of the videoclip.
Related posts:
2e REG: Mountain Commandos in Greenland
1er REG & 1er REC: Operation Sentinelle in Nice 2016
2e REI: 5th Company patrolling in Paris
2e REG authentic presentation