After their prescribed deployment that lasted four months, the men of the 5th Company, 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP), left New Caledonia. They had served in this special overseas collectivity of France located east of Australia, in the Pacific Ocean, since early June.
The “REPmen”, as the Legion paratroopers call themselves, served there as Parachute Company (COMPARA) of the New Caledonia Pacific Marine Infantry Regiment (RIMaP-NC). This regiment is composed of rotational elements coming from France every four months. The usual tasks of the RIMaP-NC are maintaining order and a French presence in the region, carrying out daily training, working in support of the local population, or conducting joint military exercises with American, Australian or New Zealander soldiers.
On September 30, 2022, a departure ceremony took place at Camp Broche in Plum, in the South Province of the principal island. During the ceremony, four men – including a legionnaire – were awarded the National Defence Medal that rewards particularly honourable service during operational activities. See some images.

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