4e RE: 2021 Visit from President Macron

Today, Friday of 12 March 2021, President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron came to visit the legionnaires and enlisted volunteers from the 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE) at one of the unit’s four training farm in southern France. He was accompanied by Florence Parly, the current Minister of the Armed Forces.

In the afternoon, President Macron arrived at the Farm Le Cuin, the training center of the 2nd Enlisted Volunteer Company, 4th Foreign Regiment. It lies some 13 miles (20 km) south of Castelnaudary, the main base of the regiment serving as the “School of the Legion”. The French President was welcomed by the regiment, including the color guard and the Foreign Legion Music Band playing the French anthem. He reviewed the troops afterwards and began the visit of the farm.

The president was interested in the effective society integration model developed by the Foreign Legion which makes this highly cohesive force consisting of around 150 nationalities unique in the whole world. He also had lunch with legionnaires, visited their living room and discovered the rules of daily life in basic training, and he himself presented French naturalization decrees to five legionnaires.

In late 2020, the 4e RE commemorated 100 years since its creation.

4e RE: 2021 Visit from President Macron
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4e RE: 2021 Visit from President Macron


4e RE: 2021 Visit from President Macron
President Macron visiting volunteers at their living room of Farm Le Cuin, 12 March 2021. Photo credit: Jérôme Yager/L’Indépendant


4e RE: 2021 Visit from President Macron: Speech and presenting the French naturalization decrees

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