3e REI: 2021 Bugler Course

A traditional bugler course for its future regimental buglers was organized by the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (3e REI) in French Guiana in recent weeks. See the photos.

The first formal use of buglers in the French Army is dated to 1831, the same year the Legion was created. A clairon (bugler in French) is a very important person within the Foreign Legion units. He participates in all important military ceremonies, as well as in the daily raising and lowering of the flag. Every platoon should have its own certified clairon(s). As for the course, it lasts usually two to three weeks and is completed by exams in front of a committee. A legionnaire can volunteer for it or can be assigned to the course by order.

In the fall of 2021, the future buglers of the 3e REI were placed under the responsibility of two former members of the famous Foreign Legion Music Band (MLE). Starting from nothing, the young trainees alternated between initiation to music theory, sound placement, learning the melodies, and memorization of the most classical military ceremonies.

On the day of the exams, the most successful among them passed their tests and became regimental buglers.

As a matter of interest. Note that the legionnaires in French Guiana still wear the old F1 Uniform short-sleeved shirts with an attached colored foulard to distinguish their company. The shirt was abandoned by the rest of the Legion in the mid-2010s and replaced by modern guerilla combat shirts.

PHOTOS. 3e REI: 2021 Bugler Course.
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A Foreign Legion clairon of the 1er REG in Mali, West Africa, playing Réveil (Wake up).


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