French Foreign Legion: New units establishing

While the year of 2014 was marked by reorganization of the French Army with reducing its personnel and several unit dissolutions, including combat units within the Foreign Legion (e.g. 5th Squadron of 1er REC, 5th Company of 2e REI), the current year of 2015 is significant by reverse policy actions – increasing personnel serving in the French Army and (re-)creating the new combat units.

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Documentary 2015: Foreign Legion – For adventure and for France

Watch an interesting, professional 2015 documentary about the French Foreign Legion created by M6, a private national French TV channel as a part of their Zone Interdite documentary series. The documentary shows two sides of the Legion. The first side represents enlisting volunteers and their way from joining in the Legion in Aubagne, through basic training at a farm of the 4e RE, till obtainig the famous Képi blanc (White kepi). The second one represents 2e REP legionnaires during an operation in the Sahara of northern Niger.

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4e RE: Remise de Képis blancs – Mont-Saint-Michel 2015

Today, on 3 November 2015, French Foreign Legion volunteers from the 2nd Engaged Volunteers Company (2CEV), 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE) having finished first four weeks of their 4-month-long basic training and were ready to obtain their Képi blanc (White kepi) and become the legionnaires. See some images from the Remise de Képi blanc (Obtaining the White kepi) ceremony at Mont-Saint-Michel (Saint Michael’s Mount), a well known island commune in Normandy, France.

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