A nice photo collection showing the 1st Company from the 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment (1er REG), one of the two engineer regiments of the French Foreign Legion, during an amphibious exercise..
French Foreign Legion: 185th Anniversary
On March 10, 2016, the French Foreign Legion commemorates the 185th anniversary of its founding on March 10, 1831. That day, a decree of the Council of State ratified the royal ordinance signed by Louis Philippe, the King of the French, on March 9. In the Article 1re of this three-article ordinance, the king authorized to form a Legion of Foreigners (Légion d’Etrangers) inside France.
2e REI: More VBCI vehicles
The 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2e REI), a motorized infantry unit of the French Foreign Legion stationed at Nimes (southern France), was reinforced by another 12 VBCI armored vehicles. The new ones arrived at the regiment on February 26, 2016.