In January and February 2018, two French TV channels published new documentaries portraying the Foreign Legion, its recruiment process, basic training at the farm near Castelnaudary and the life in the Legion. Enjoy watching these interesting videos.
Foreign Legion: Units to receive HK 416 F
As part of the modernization of the French Armed Forces, a new assault rifle will be delivered to French units within the next ten years. The German-made Heckler & Koch HK 416 F (French version). Hundreds of them have already been delivered to several French Foreign Legion units in 2017. Other HK 416 F rifles would be delivered to legionnaires in 2018.
Foreign Legion: 2017 in Retrospective
The official channel of the French Foreign Legion released a new video showing the previous year of 2017 in retrospective, to present the most important events captured on camera by the Legion.
MLE: Foreign Legion Music Band in Paris
Yesterday, February 7, 2018, the Foreign Legion Music Band (MLE) performed an excellent concert in Paris, dedicated to the soldiers wounded during military operations and the families of those soldiers killed in action. The annual charitable concert is organized by the Military Governor of Paris. For its high prestige, the Foreign Legion Music Band was asked to be the main participant in this important event.
36th anniversary: 1982 Mont Garbi Accident
36 years ago, in early February 1982, an air accident occurred in Djibouti, Horn of Africa. A French military aircraft crashed into Mont Garbi. An entire Foreign Legion platoon of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP) perished. This accident has remained the most tragic event for the Legion since the end of the First Indochina War (1954).