2024 Bastille Day Military Parade

Every year, a large military parade is held in Paris to commemorate the 14th of July, France’s national holiday, known in English-speaking countries as Bastille Day. On that day, the French Foreign Legion also takes part in the parade in the capital. However, due to the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, this year’s parade was downsized and did not take place on the famous Champs-Élysées. Read more and see images.

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80 years ago: Foreign Legion’s last artillery batteries were disbanded

With the conflict in Ukraine, a long-neglected component of Western armies, artillery, has once again stepped to the fore. It might come as a surprise to many Foreign Legion enthusiasts that a 1920 law allowed the Foreign Legion to establish, along with a cavalry regiment, also a separate artillery regiment. Equally surprising might be the fact that, in 1941, the legionnaires probably served in as many as 11 artillery batteries at the same time. The last of these units were disbanded 80 years ago, in 1944.

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130 years ago: A forgotten campaign in West Africa ended

In February 1894, the last elements of the French Foreign Legion left the Slave Coast in West Africa where they had successfully participated in two expeditions aimed at a local kingdom’s ruler and his forces. Not only did the legionnaires face heat, disease, and supply problems, but they also had to fight local female warriors, Amazons…

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