2e REP: 2020 Wessex Storm in England

Between November 2 and December 12, 2020, yearly joint military manoeuvres called Wessex Storm take place on Salisbury Plain in Wessex, southern England. The six-week manoeuvres have to confirm the skills and readiness of the 2 PARA Battlegroup, the British Army’s leading response force, assigned to the 16 Air Assault Brigade. During the 2020 Wessex Storm exercise, a company of the French Foreign Legion’s 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP) and a US Army platoon have been included into the British battlegroup.

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Video: Exercise Iberian Star with the Spanish Legion

As previously mentioned, Exrcise Iberian Star 2014 took part in Spain in November 2014. Spanish legionnaires from Spanish Legion’s VIII Bandera (8th Battalion) and French legionnaires from the 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2e REI) were involved in this exercise, together with Welsh and Irish soldiers from the British Army. See video.

Read moreVideo: Exercise Iberian Star with the Spanish Legion

IBERIAN STAR 2014: French and Spanish legionnaires trained together

In the second half of last month, November 2014, Exercise IBERIAN STAR 2014 took place on the Chinchilla Training Area in the province of Albacete, southern Spain. Legionnaires of the French Foreign Legion and the Spanish Legion (former Spanish Foreign Legion), together with British soldiers were involved in the exercise.

Read moreIBERIAN STAR 2014: French and Spanish legionnaires trained together

Blue legionnaire: 2e REP trained with British Paras in Corsica

Yesterday, on January 26, 2014, the training exercise called Blue legionnaire, in which the Legion and British paratroopers were participating in, was officially finished. It took two weeks, since January 12. Another two-weeks long exercise between the same units, called Eagle Eyes, will be started in Corsica next week, on February 03.

Read moreBlue legionnaire: 2e REP trained with British Paras in Corsica