4e RE: La Solidaire 2024

Every year, the 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE) organizes an exceptional bycycle touring race. This unique event brings together passionate cyclists and supporters from different Foreign Legion regiments, united by a common goal: to support the veterans and wounded of the Legion. See a video.

For the thirteenth year, the 4th Foreign Regiment, the Legion’s training regiment, organized the “Foreign Legion Solidarity” (Solidaire Légion étrangère) cycling event. It took place in the departments of Aude and Pyrénées Orientales in the south of France, from June 25 to 27, 2024. The aim of this charity “race” (usually organized a few days before the start of the legendary Tour de France) is to raise funds to help former legionnaires living at the Foreign Legion Disabled Veterans Institution (IILE), the official retirement home of the Legion. According to Colonel Montull, current head of the 4e RE, these veterans (anciens) served France with honor and loyalty.

La Solidaire is therefore an opportunity for everyone to affirm, or reaffirm, their attachment and support for the Foreign Legion, which never abandons its own. This year, the event managed to raise 25,000 euros (US $27,200) for the IILE.

Mainly senior NCOs from different Legion regiments participate in La Solidaire. They visited and stayed overnight, among others, at the Legion’s mountain chalet at Formiguères (seen at 1:13). The chalet is well-known for all legionnaires who spend a week there during their basic training, as their semi-holidays to rest and recharge.

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e History of the 4th Foreign Infantry Regiment