4e RE: Exercise at Caylus 2014

In the second half of November 2014, legionnaires from the 4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE) of the French Foreign Legion were involved in a regimental exercise at the military camp of Caylus, located in the Midi-Pyrénées region of southern France.

The training unit of the Legion, 4e RE, conducted the exercise to train its men in combat tactics, basic firing with FAMAS, firing grenades with FAMAS, preparing and setting off explosives, topography etc. The whole regiment participated in, including fresh legionnaires doing their 4-month-long basic training within.

In September 2013, 19 legionnaires from 4e RE were injured during a car accident, while going to conduct an exercise at Camp of Caylus.


4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014

4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014
Grenades firing with FAMAS
4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014
Fresh legionnaires from the 2nd Volunteer Company (2e CEV), 4e RE training their muscles
4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014
Young legionnaire during the explosives course

4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014

4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014

4e RE - 4 RE - Caylus - Exercise - 2014


Information & image source / © photos credit:
4e RE official website

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4e RE: Fresh legionnaires obtaining their Képi blanc
4e RE visited by the Foreign Legion’s commander
Car accident: 19 soldiers of 4e RE injured