1er REG + 2e REG: 2019 Saint Barbara Day

Within a week, in late November and early December 2019, the two engineer regiments of the French Foreign Legion organized an annual commemoration of their patron, Saint Barbara (Sainte Barbe in French). See photos.

The 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment (1er REG) commemorated the patron of all military engineers at the Quartier General Rollet, their military base located in Laudun (southern France), on November 29. The ceremony was presided by General Cornefert, who served as the commanding officer of the regiment in 2007-09. During the ceremony, a number of persons (formerly and currently serving officers and legionnaires) were awarded or mentioned in dispatches. A concert of the Foreign Legion’s famous Music band (MLE) was performed later that evening nearby the base. Also, as every year, the members of the 1er REG participated in a traditional regimental run that took place a few days earlier.

On the contrary, the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment (2e REG) organized the commemoration of their saint patron a week later, on December 6. Besides the common ceremony, the regiment also pay homage to Staff Sergeant Jouk who died in Mali on this November 25, as well as to members of the regiment being killed in Afghanistan. The ceremony took place at the Quartier Maréchal Koenig at Saint Christol (southeastern France), the regiment’s garrison town.

PHOTOS. 1er REG: 2019 Saint Barbara Day in Laudun.
Click on the FB icon to see all photos.



PHOTOS. 2e REG: 2019 Saint Barbara Day at Saint Christol.
Click on the FB icon to see all photos.


Related posts:
1er REG: 2018 Saint Barbara Day
1er REG + 2e REG: Sainte Barbe 2017
2e REI + 1er REG: CETIA at Suippes in 2019
2e REG: Operation Sentinelle in Paris 2018