1er REC+1er REG: Visit from General Lardet

In late October 2020, the French Foreign Legion’s commander-in-chief, General Alain Lardet, came to visit the cavalrymen from the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) at their Camp Carpiagne near Marseille and combat engineers from the 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment (1er REG) at their base in Laudun.

General Lardet was appointed to the position in this August. During his first visit to the two regiments, he wanted to meet their operational abilities and particularities. Then he made a speech to the gathered legionnaires.

General Alain Lardet started his military career with the 2e REP (1993-2001) and participated in nine deployments with this regiment, in Africa and ex-Yugoslavia. He returned to the 2e REP in 2007, for two years. Later, he took command of the 3e REI in French Guiana (2011-13).

General Lardet visiting 1er REC at Camp Carpiagne, October 2020.
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General Lardet visiting 1er REG in Laudun, October 2020.
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