1er REC: Complete again after 11 months

At Camp Carpiagne in early September 2020, the officers and legionnaires of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC), the French Foreign Legion’s only cavalry unit, attended a regimental gathering to celebrate their regained unity, after 11 months of deployments.

In October 2019, the 1er REC’s 3rd Squadron had moved to Djibouti (Horn of Africa) for four months, while the rest of the regiment deployed for five months to the Sahel region of Africa in February 2020. The cavalrymen formed Task Force Centurion there to participate in France’s counter-terrorist Operation Barkhane. Two 1er REC legionnaires have died there. It was the regiment’s largest deployment since Operation Daguet (Gulf War) in 1990-91.

1er REC’s regimental gathering at Camp Carpiagne, September 2020.
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1er REC: Activities for 3rd ESC and ECL in France in June 2020
1er REC: Legionnaire heading an armored platoon during Operation Barkhane in Mali
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