Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025

Another year draws to a close, the twelfth year of activity since the FOREIGNLEGION INFO online project was launched in 2012. At the same time, the holidays and the New Year are approaching. So, as always, it is time for a little summary and wishes.


What has been done in 2024?

What has been done on the website this year? In the previous summary from late December 2023, I mentioned my desire to write a complete study on the Foreign Legion artillery batteries, one of the least mapped topics in the history of the Legion (done!), and the Franco-Dahomean campaign from 1892-94 (done!). Another new article was published, too, dealing with the last Foreign Legion unit to remain stationed in Algeria, North Africa: Operational Company 1er RE.

I also mentioned my desire to rewrite some of the older, visibly outdated texts, including the large one about the 1954 Dien Bien Phu battle (done!), as well as the really obsolete article mapping the history of the 1er REG. I finally decided to replace it with two new texts, about the 6e REG and CRTRLE, its predecessors.

In addition, several outdated articles were revised (or entirely rewritten) as well during 2024: 4e REI, 5e REI, 6e REI, 11e REI, Parachute Company 3e REI, and little-known Repair Platoons in Africa.

Other desired works included articles about various Foreign Legion officers: Lt. Col. Gaucher (pending, not done), Major Raymond Cabaribère (done!), Major de Chassey (pending, not done), and Captain Pierre Bourgin (done!). In the meantime, an additional text was published that wasn’t planned: General Vittorio Tresti.

Besides that, new parts of the PHOTOS and DOCUMENTS series were added this year, too.

Unfortunately, two planned articles had failed to be written: those mapping the little-known 1919 Northern Russia campaign and the better-known 1859 Italian campaign. In 2025, I will try to include a text about the Northern Russia campaign into a revised study on the Foreign Legion in the Balkans during WWI.


Tasks for 2025

What about my plans for the coming year?

In 2023, I began writing about the Legion Training Group (GILE, 1955-1977), predecessor to the current 4e RE in Castelnaudary. The work had to be postponed. However, I would like to finish it the next year.

I would also like to write about Colonel Raphaël Vienot who was killed in Crimea in 1855, the two battles that took place in Syria and Lebanon in 1925 (in Messifré and in Rashaya), the French campaign in Madagascar that began in 1895 and the campaign in Chad from 1969-70. I also plan to publish a text about the lesser-known GRDI 97 group from 1940 and the virtually unknown BFC/5 battalion from 1945-46.

As for the PHOTOS series, I have got some really nice sets, including one of the rarest collections related to the Legion I have ever seen. They should be published in 2025, too.

My dreamed goal remains the same: to create the largest information database dedicated to the French Foreign Legion.


Support – Thanks

I have to warmly thank all of you, my dear readers, for your continued interest. And especially those of you who continue to support this website through the Foreign Legion Info’s U.S. based Store. Unfortunately, the EU-based shop had to be shut down because the printing company had rejected all the designs related to the Foreign Legion. Anyway, your unwavering support helps me a lot to cover the costs, the work, and the time that this project requires. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

I also have to thank my friends, including Joe (Voltigeur), Andi, Jack from Mon Legionnaire, and Frans from NLLegioen, for helping me with my effort and with the texts.

And special thanks go, as usual, to Krzysztof, who shares with all of us a lot of rare Legion pieces coming from his large private archive. I am really greatful to him for helping make this site interesting.

My dear readers, on behalf of the FOREIGNLEGION INFO website, I sincerely thank you for your unwavering support and wish you a merry Christmas (Joyeux Noël in France/the Legion) and happy and relaxing holidays, with a glass (or two) of something good to drink! Also, may the new year bring you all courage, hope, and faith to overcome all of the hurdles you may face. I am looking forward to seeing you here again, in 2025.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2025.



Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël 2024

Happy New Year 2025