On May 19, 2017, two legionnaires from 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2e REI) died during a team-building exercise on the River Marne near Cumières, a town in northeastern France. The legionnaires drowned after being caught by the strong stream of the barrage built on the river.
The legionnaires, a South African and a Mongolian, were found already dead. According to the mother of the South African legionnaire, her son helped to save 8 legionnaires before he was caught by the stream.
See more info:
Durban man dies in France, saving others
Nîmes : décès de deux légionnaires lors d’un exercice
Three weeks ago, on April 28, another legionnaire also died during a regimental activity. Sergeant Steeve Fulilagi (31, born in New Caledonia) from the 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion (13e DBLE) died of cardiac arrest during a traditional regimental run at Camp Larzac near La Cavalerie, southern France. The traditional run is a part of the commemoration of the Battle of Camerone.
See more info:
Sud-Aveyron : un légionnaire décède dans le camp du Larzac
Last year, six legionnaires from the 2e REG died in an avalanche in the Alps during a military course.
Related posts:
2e REG: Five legionnaires killed in the Alps
2e REI: Infernal Run 2017
2e REI: Official Video clip 2016