1er REG: Exercise Scorpion XI

In early December 2021, legionnaires from the 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment (1er REG), one of the two engineer regiments of the French Foreign Legion, participated in Exercise Scorpion XI. During this exercise, the 1er REG men were carrying out a river crossing in support of motorized infantry elements.

The ten-day Exercise Scorpion XI took place in the Champagne region (Northeastern France) in early December 2021. Organized by the 3rd Division, the exercise regrouped around 2,500 participants, as well as 60 new Griffon vehicles, including those from the 13e DBLE. Both Foreign Legion regiments are part of the 6th Light Armored Brigade, the main force of the exercise.

For the 1er REG legionnaires-engineers, the exercise offered a good opportunity to carry out a river crossing for the motorized infantry vehicles. They were using motorized floating bridges (PFM) to transport Griffons (and other vehicles) of the 1st Infantry Regiment (1er RI) over a local river.

1er REG: Exercise Scorpion XI and river crossing
Click on the FB icon to see all photos:


See also a new 1er REG’s 2021 regimental videoclip:


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