1er REC: Two legionnaires killed in Djibouti

In November 2017, two legionnaires of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) died during their deployment in Djibouti, Horn of Africa.

The two legionnaires, a sergeant and a 1st Class, belonged to the 2nd Squadron, 1er REC. The squadron deployed to Djibouti this early October for a four-month short period mission (MCD). In Djibouti, when moving to a shooting range, a road accident occurred.

Sergeant Alexandru-Sorin Lipovan (7 years of service, of Romanian origin) was killed immediately, another two legionnaires were injured. One of them, legionnaire 1st Class Jacek Garbina (2 years of service, of Polish origin), later succumbed to his injuries. It was his first deployment.

A military ceremony to render homage to both legionnaires took place at Camp Carpiagne, the homebase to the regiment, on November 22.

At least 7 legionnaires from different regiments have died during their service duties in 2017.

1er REC: Two legionnaires killed in Djibouti
The two killed legionnaires of the 1er REC. Both legionnaires are victims of the road accident from November 7, 2017.
1er REC in Djibouti in 2017
AMX 10 RCs of the 2nd Squadron, 1er REC during an exercise in Djibouti, November 2017.


More information: REC Info: In Memoriam

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