2e REI: Tui Santiago 2016

Between September 7-9, 2016, a group of legionnaires from the 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2e REI) participated in TUI SANTIAGO, a 120-kilometer-long international military competition organized in Spain. They finished the competition as the best foreign team.

In the annual competition, twenty-two six-man teams from Western Europe took part in. They had to finish the track (with 7 types of military tests, e.g. obstacle course, land navigation course, open-water swim, a 100-foot repel, marksmanship, grenade-throwing…) in less than 34 hours. The legionnaires from 2e REI, led by a German officer, finished the track as the best foreign team.

2e REI - Tui Santiago 2016

2e REI - Tui Santiago 2016

2e REI - Tui Santiago 2016

More photos & details:
Le 2e REI – Challenge TUY-SANTIAGO 2016
2016 BRILAT: la más dura prueba militar de España

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