1er REG: Paying Homage to Major Nikolic

On July 22, 2014, legionnaires from the 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment (1er REG), participated in the ceremony to honor their comrade-in-arms, Adjudant-chef Dejvid Nikolic killed in Mali on July 14, promoted posthumously to the Major rank. The ceremony took place at Quartier General Rollet of Laudun, 1er REG’s garrison… Two videos.

Legionnaires from 1er REG and veterans organisations were paying homage to Major “Niko” Nikolic during the event. The ceremony was led by the French Defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.


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2e REP: Pay Homage Ceremony to Sergent-chef Kalafut
1er REG on pictures of August 2013
1er REG: Official Video clip 2013