2e REP and its exercise JURA 2013

On November 11, three companies (3rd, 4th and Command/Logistics) and one team of Commando Parachute Group (GCP) from the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP) finished its week-long regimental exercise JURA 2013. The exercise took place just a few kilometers from Switzerland, in the Jura mountains of the Franche-Comté region, in eastern France, between 3rd and 10th of November 2013. See pics and video.

The very important part of the exercise passed in Pontarlier, a town with more than 18,000 population, on 6th November. The 2e REP (supported by a platoon of 17e Régiment du génie parachutiste, 17e RGP, and two groups of 35e Régiment d’artillerie parachutiste, 35e RAP of the regular French Army) jumped over the local aeroport to training a real urban warfare – liberation of the town and its mayor from the enemy (played by two platoons of 13e Régiment du génie, 13e RG, and two platoons of 152e Régiment d’infanterie, 152e RI, both of the regular French Army) and taking control of, while the normal life of the town and its population was continuing without restrictions.

On November 11, at the end of the exercise JURA 2013, two platoons of 2e REP participated in the parade, which took place in Pontarlier to say good-bye to the Legion by town officers and thousands of local people having seen the legionnaires for the first time in their lives.

2e REP and its exercise JURA 2013Photo credit: Willy Graf, estrepublicain.fr

2e REP and its exercise JURA 2013Photo credit: Willy Graf, estrepublicain.fr

2e REP and its exercise JURA 2013Photo credit: Willy Graf, estrepublicain.fr

2e REP and its exercise JURA 2013Photo credit: Willy Graf, estrepublicain.fr



See more nice pictures (be patient with the photo slider, please):
La légion saute sur Pontarlier
Pontarlier JURA 2013: Un accueil rare et chaleureux
Défilé à Pontarlier : la légion a attiré la foule