French Foreign Legion and the tattoo. Are legionnaires tattooed or not? Are you allowed to be tattooed, when you are joining the Foreign Legion? Which is the French Foreign Legion tattoo policy?
Within the Foreign Legion, a tattoo has a long tradition. Only legionnaires, mariners and prisoners were well-known for being tattooed in France 100 years ago. So, there is no problem if you have had a tattoo and want to become a legionnaire in the next few years. But, as always, there are some tattoo rules that can disqualify you from joining the Foreign Legion.
Which tattoos are inconvenient for the Foreign Legion?
- the Nazi and racist tattoo (Nazi-swastika, A.Hitler, Ku-Klux-Klan for example)
- a stupid tattoo on your face/arms, even if it seems to be small
(if you have a little drop near your eye, you can try to join; if you have a vagina tattoo between your eyes or a penis tatoo on your arm, stay at home) - a larger tattoo across your face (a genuine tribal tattoo is allowed in some cases)
So, can you join the French Foreign Legion if you have tattoo? Yes, except for those already noted. Be aware, as a legionnaire, you will represent the Foreign Legion during your service years. So, if you have a tattoo, look at it and ask yourself: “Will my tattoo harm the Legion in public?” If your answer is NO, do not worry and go to join in.

See a few pictures of tattooed legionnaires of 2011-2012:
E.Martin images source: Behance

Photos credit (besides that already defined): Légion étrangère
Related information:
French Foreign Legion minimum age and maximum age requirements
Height and weight requirements for joining the French Foreign Legion
Eyesight: French Foreign Legion vision requirements
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