Legion: New Caledonia in August 2023

As we informed earlier, three regiments of the French Foreign Legion have deployed their men to New Caledonia in the southwest Pacific Ocean, east of Australia, since June 2023. The legionnaires should stay in this special overseas collectivity of France for four months, as is common practice for the so-called short duration mission (MCD). See some new images from taken during their deployment in August.

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Lieutenant Colonel Jean Pierre Bissey

On August 5, 1933, Lieutenant Colonel Jean Pierre Bissey, a little-known officer of the French Foreign Legion, was killed in a battle with local rebels during the French pacification of Morocco. Almost forgotten today, he remains the highest-ranking Foreign Legion officer killed not only between the two world wars but also during the long Moroccan campaign. The following article has been written in his memory.

Read moreLieutenant Colonel Jean Pierre Bissey

Foreign Legion: 2023 Victory in Europe Day

On May 8, 2023, the French Foreign Legion units commemorated the 78th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, which came after the definitive overall surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allies, signed in Berlin. During the final battles in Europe in May 1945, three Legion units participated: the RMLE (3e REI now), 1er REC, and the 13e DBLE. See some images from the 2023 Victory in Europe Day celebrations.

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Foreign Legion: 2023 Camerone Day

The 30th of April 2023 marked the 160th anniversary of the 1863 Battle of Camerone, an epic moment in the history of the French Foreign Legion in which its 65 men faced some 2,000 Mexican adversaries. The famous battle is portrayed as a pure example of bravery and the determination to fight to the finish, and gave the Legion its character and esprit de corps. Therefore, Camerone Day became the most important holiday for all current or former members of this exceptional military unit. See 2023 Camerone Day pictures from several Legion regiments.

Read moreForeign Legion: 2023 Camerone Day