60 years ago: Foreign Legion’s Regiment of Morocco was disbanded

60 years ago, deep in the Algerian Sahara in late April 1964, an entire Foreign Legion regiment was disbanded, victim of the reorganization of the French army after the end of the Algerian War (1956-62). Activated in French North Africa in late 1920 and given the nickname the “Regiment of Morocco,” its units fought in Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, Indochina, Mauritania, Spanish Sahara, and Algeria. In 1980, its number, history, and traditions were taken over by the training regiment of the Legion in Castelnaudary.

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4th Foreign Infantry Regiment

La version française de l’article pour les lecteurs français :
4e Régiment Etranger d’Infanterie


4th Foreign Infantry Regiment - 4e REI - 4th REI - 1920-1964 - Foreign Legion - History