Happy New Year 2024

Another year is coming to a close, having passed by at an unbelievably rapid pace. Another year in a row, the eleventh since 2012, when the FOREIGNLEGION INFO online project was launched. And thus, this is the right time for another annual summary.


What has been done in 2023?

In the previous summary, in late December 2022, I was planning to write an article about the 1933 Battle of Bou Gafer, Lt. Col. Brunet de Sairigné, as well as Lt. Col. Jeanpierre. These tasks have been done. In addition, several other new articles were published: Tunnel of Legionnaire, 1908 Battle of Menabha, 1st Foreign Parachute Battalion, Foreign Legion Comoros Detachment, Lt. Col. Bissey, Hélie de Saint Marc, and 1903 Battle of El Moungar.

Besides that, I revised and rewrote the Ranks and Equipment pages, as well as these older, already outdated articles: History of the DLEM, 1st Foreign Parachute Regiment, 2nd Foreign Parachute Battalion, and History of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment.

Honestly, I am happy with that. I originally expected to get a lot less done.


Tasks for 2024

What about my plans for the coming year?

Last year, I planned to write small articles about the Legion’s short-living, little-known Artillery Group and the 1892 Dahomean campaign. However, I eventually decided to incorporate them into larger studies, one being dedicated to Legion artillery batteries in North Africa, the second to the two Dahomean campaigns (1892-1894). Both studies are scheduled for publication in the first half of the upcoming year.

On top of that, I would like to continue with rewriting the older texts, including the large one about the 1954 Dien Bien Phu battle. The next year also marks the round anniversary of the activation of the 6e REG. Therefore, it would be great to revise and update the really obsolete article dealing with the history of the 1er REG, its successor.

I also plan to write something about the little-known 1919 Northern Russia campaign, as well as the better-known 1859 Italian campaign, and a few words about Lt. Col. Gaucher, Major Cabaribère, Major de Chassey, and Captain Bourgin.

If there’s any time left, other articles could be published as well, including new parts of the PHOTOS and DOCUMENTS series.


Support – Thanks

I have to warmly thank all of you, my dear readers, for your continued interest. And especially those of you who support this website through the Foreign Legion Info’s U.S. based Store or the EU-based Shop. I am glad to see that you still enjoy this website and find information in the articles always useful and interesting. Your unwavering support helps me a lot to cover the costs and the work that this project requires, and allows me to continue in writing. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

I also have to thank my friends, including Joe (Voltigeur), Andi, Jack from Mon Legionnaire, and Frans from NLLegioen, for helping me with my effort and with the texts.

However, as usual, I would like to give special thanks to Krzysztof, who shares with all of us a lot of Legion treasures coming from his large private archive. I am really greatful to him for helping make this site interesting.

My dear readers, may the new year bring you all courage, hope, and faith to overcome all of the hurdles you may face. I am looking forward to seeing you here again, in 2024.

Happy New Year 2024.

Bonne Année 2024.



Happy New Year 2024