1er REC: Activities for 3rd ESC and ECL in France in June 2020

While the vast majority of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) has been currently deployed to Mali in West Africa since this February for at least four months, there are two squadrons which remain in France, at the regiment’s Camp Carpiagne near Marseille.

The 3rd Squadron returned from a four-month deployment to Djibouti in late February and that’s why the unit was not among the other squadrons sent to Mali. But its legionnaires are not alone at the camp. Even men of the ECL Squadron (HQ & Logistics) are present in France these days. The units carry out ordinary duty service, take part in Operation Résilience in Marseille (in support of public measures against the COVID-19 pandemic) and conduct regimental training for recently arrived fresh legionnaires, having finished their basic instruction at Castelnaudary.

Besides, the men of both squadrons participate in other military activities. See images.

1er REC’s ECL train at Camp Carpiagne:


1er REC’s 3e ESC + ECL train at Port Miou:


1er REC’s 3e ESC + ECL carrying out a 20-km-long march…:


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