See some images of legionnaires from the French Foreign Legion deployed in the Central African Republic (CAR) during June 2015. The legionnaires are working there together with soldiers from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) to stabilize this African country.
The legionnaires from the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) and 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2e REI) are part of the French tactic group GTIA Centurion, which is composed of around 900 men. After a reorganisation, GTIA Centurion is now the only force involved in Operation Sangaris, a French mission in CAR since December 2013. MINUSCA consists of around 10,800 men.
2e REI deployed its VBCI armored personnel carriers, having used by the regiment since February, for the first time in Africa.

© Image credit:
French Ministry of Defense
Information source:
Sangaris : Opération de contrôle de zone en appui de la MINUSCA
Sangaris : première patrouille pour le GTIA Centurion
Related posts:
1er REC, 2e REI: Operation Sangaris in August 2015
1er REC and its activities of March 2015
1er REC: Legion’s Cavalry in Mali 2015
2e REI: Training for African deployment with US Marines