1er RE, 2e REG: 2022 Bastille Day Military Parade in Marseille

See images from Marseille, Southern France, from July 14, 2022, when a Foreign Legion detachment paraded there. It consisted of elements provided by the same two regiments that also took part in the 2022 Bastille Day Military Parade in Paris on the same day: the 1st Foreign Regiment (1er RE) and the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment (2e REG).

The two regiments just changed their role a little bit. While Foreign Legion Pioneers from the Legion’s HQ traditionally paraded in Paris, a platoon of 2e REG Pioneers headed the Legion detachment in Marseille. They were followed by the 1er RE’s regimental color guard, while the 2e REG regimental color was shown in Paris that day. A platoon from the 2e REG also took part in the parade in Southern France’s metropolis, which is also the second most populous city in France.

We shouldn’t forget the cavalry legionnaires from the 1er REC that were involved in the same parade with their armored vehicles.

Marseille is a traditional place for Bastille Day military parade that the Legion participates in every year. It’s because of the proximity to the town of Aubagne, the current main garrison town of the Legion and its HQ. This town lies only about 12 miles (20 km) east of Marseille.

An official video:

An unofficial video:

Related posts:
2022 Bastille Day Military Parade
Foreign Legion: 2022 Camerone Day
1er RE: 55 years in Aubagne already
2e REG: 20 years ago, the youngest regiment of the Foreign Legion was born