1er REC: Patrolling in Marseille

While around 1,350 French soldiers have been patrolling in Paris since the attacks of 7th January 2015, legionnaires from the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment (1er REC) are patrolling now in Marseille, the second largest city in France.

The city is located in south-eastern France. The 1er REC left Orange in July 2014 to be based near Marseille, in the Carpiagne military camp. Just as in Paris, the current mission in Marseille is part of Vigipirate, France’s national security alert system.

Related posts:
1er REC and its activities of March 2015
French Foreign Legion Operations – December 2014
1er REC observing in Gao, Mali
1er REC: History of the Legion’s first cavalry regiment